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Health Benefits of Free Range Chicken and Free Range Turkey

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7 Benefits and where to buy Free Range Chicken and Turkey

Raising chicken and Turkey has many benefits for not only the owner of the farm, but also for the people who are linked to the process. The same is equally true for the chicken farming which has a wide variety of benefits for everyone. The term free range chicken has been confused till now. In reality, free range chickens are those who wander here and there to their hearts content. The second definition asserts that free range chickens are those which are brought up in the outdoor settings. Whenever you enter the grocery store, you are sure to find chicken in a wide variety of tagging. These labels will range from free range to organic and even to no-antibiotics. Although there are a number of health benefits of making use of the free range chicken, still you should try to look beyond the tagging to the source where the chicken meat comes from.

There are various researches and studies that have confirmed that the benefits of using free roaming hens or chickens are countless. One such study is the one that was published by the Penn State University. Below are some of the health benefits of free range chicken.

Higher Meat Quality

The very first benefit to health provided by is the quality of meat which is much better than other forms of chicken. The prime reason for this is the fact that these free range hens have access to various insects and organisms which are rich in protein and other minerals. All of the researchers in the domain of poultry farming are of the view that the meat quality is positively effectuated by the insects consumed by the chicken.

 Lower Feed Cost

As the chickens are brought in the open air setting, so the feed cost is sure to be low. Furthermore, raising free range chickens also a number of benefits to the environment, as they come to eat most of the insects which are present in access in the environment.

More Flavorful

As the chickens are raised in a much healthier setting, this culminates in a deep and pleasant flavor. Furthermore, the bones also come to be stronger as the animals are always able to move freely in a large area.

 No Presence of Antibiotics

Another major benefit of the free range poultry is the absence of antibiotics in not just the meat, but throughout the entire body. Contrary to this, the chicken brought in the industry settings is given multiple forms of antibiotics, but that is not the case with the free range hens.

Stress Free

The caged animals have higher chances of developing stress and irrational behaviors, thus leading to some diseases. These illnesses even include cannibalism. This is not the case with the free range chicken and turkey.

Higher Egg Quality

A major benefit of having free range chickens, is they produce higher levels of egg quality. These eggs contain rich amount of amino acids and protein as well as omega-3 which the human body needs. This has been confirmed by a large number of people who make use of the eggs laid by free range chicken.